Jan 08, 2022

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About US

There’s a distinct connection between Charity (loving our neighbors), and the sharing/spreading of the Gospel Message of Salvation. As a hindrance to their faith in God, many in this world we live in deal with;

1. Poverty 

2. A Lack of Resources

3. A Lack of Education, and…

4. A Lack of Opportunities

(*just to name a few)

The ministry here is built on the following principles;

INSPIRE-we all need to be inspired and motivated at times, to press on in times of trouble. And to reach higher heights in life.

DEVELOP-Jesus told us to educate the world to His ways—so we can grow to be more like Him.

ELEVATE-The fruit of being educated in God’s ways is an elevated spirituality—and growth in our relationship with the LORD. 


AID-We provide people with opportunities to serve their fellow man. 

The App |Tech Stuff

We pride ourselves here on, being able to keep our mobile application “offline”. What that means is that people don’t need an internet connection to use the app. And the app uses far less data than online apps/sites would. Which is also a concern, that has been expressed to us (by individuals living in more rural/impoverished areas).

The Bottom Line

Indeed we extend our mission to all, to join us in glorifying God in helping those in need. But at its heart, the God’s Big Idea free mobile app is an evangelistic tool. So we also offer Daily Bread (through the Word of God), Downloadable Bible Studies, and Inspirational Messages (all of which are updated weekly).

That’s God’s Big Idea. That He can work in us (spiritual growth), and through us (letting our light shine in the world).

God Bless You and Enjoy the ministry my Friends.

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